Jennifer's Books

This blog is a weblog by Jennifer about books she's read, favorite books, books she wants to read. Anything book related! Don't forget to check out "The Last Movie I Saw" on the right hand side.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

A Wolf At The Table

by Augusten Burroughs

This book I listened to on CD in the car. It is a very dark book but rightfully so because Augusten's childhood with his father was pretty bad. The story starts when Augusten was about 5 years old until he is in his later 30s or early 40s. He talks about his family relationships focusing on his father. Bas*rd is the best way to describe his father. The book is read by Augusten so not only is it dark and sometimes just chilling it has the emotion of the author, who experienced this, reading it. I was just overwhelmed with sorrow and anger that someone could treat their child that way, in fact all he wanted was to be cared for and played with like everyone else's Dad's did.

4 of 5 rating


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